New Digs

Well, it's been in a little over a week since I moved to my new digs in the suburb of Wheeling. Never thought I'd ever want to leave Chicago, but even in Wheeling, I'm not that far away from the city if I need to drive in for a leather event or to hang out with a couple of friends who still live near or around the area. I like the wide open spaces of the burbs, the quiet, the less congestion, and the mentality of the folks who just generally seem nicer all around. For example, on the day I moved in, two complete strangers asked if I needed an extra set of hands as I finished bringing in some of the boxes that I wanted to move myself rather than throwing in the truck; wow, I thought how refreshing.
The new place has a lot to offer, more storage space, a patio, huge parking lot, less than a mile to the train so I can get to work, a much bigger bedroom with a walk in closet, gorgeous plush, light brown carpeting which goes perfectly with all my furniture and a secured building with 24 hr maintenance. To some, these little perks may not seem like a lot, but in my old place, which was a converted basement apartment, I had to deal with ongoing seepage, especially when we had heavy rains or snow, and worse, when the snow melted. In the summer or winter, I fought with the neighbors upstairs over the thermostat, not to mention, the very little privacy because my apartment was in the basement of a single family home so I heard everything through the vents when the neighbors argued upstairs. I could even smell the disgusting scent of smoke and some interestingly strange odors coming from their kitchen. I was barely able to utilize the garage I paid extra for to park my car in because of his pickup truck and her massive SUV. In fact, I accidentally scratched my car backing out of the garage, trying to avoid their vehicles, but unfortunately cutting it way too close to the sides of the garage. Luckily I have a great body shop guy who fixed my car up just fine and at minimal cost.
I think the new place is more cozy, might be a little smaller in some ways as it's square-shaped rather than rectangular and I don't have a long hall way from the kitchen to the living room - the kitchen is more like a galley and the dining room is part of the living room - yet to me, it stills seems larger than my other place - I did give up the two-bedroom, but I honestly wasn't using it, but I had to be a bit creative in the new place to put all my things in all the right places - I love what I did, even my mom was impressed with my accomplishments. Of course she didn't like where I had the liquor cabinet and wasn't thrilled about the fact that I tend to leave things on the counter tops even when I'm not using them anymore, but she did give me big kudos for how I decorated the bathroom which is far bigger than the one I had in the city.
Today, being Independence Day, seems like the perfect time to start anew - the train ride to work is about 10 minutes longer than before so I've been able to catch up on some reading. I have quite a few books I bought but never got around to reading due to being in school, doing homework, etc. I've recently got back to my writing, as I seem to have more time on my hands than before. Sometimes I wonder if I moved out here 'cause I needed a change in my life or if I'm considering a more isolated existence to finish my memoir. The last 15 years or so have been tough. I lived in the city because I socially wanted to be near both the gay and leather communities in the hopes of finding the right person I can share my life with. But I learned early-on that sometimes being nice and supportive doesn't translate into attracting good nature or loyal, honest, people, just users or those who are transitioning from one person to another. Don't get me wrong, I've had some excellent relationships while I lived in the city, but in the end, it just didn't work out. Sometimes I think, we just grow and change, and partners don't always keep up, kind of like that train moving in the movie where one person is encouraging the other to 'come on, you can make it, just jump' but sometimes even I move to fast for one to take that leap and make the train.
Unfortunately, the problem with some relationships is that you are their right person at that moment in their lives, and other times, they already know you're not the one, but you're good enough until a better or easier situation comes along, then their ready to move on...I think that kind of thinking seems to be more common in those folks who can't be by themselves or have much difficulty with being alone, so they move quickly from one person to the next without taking time to heal from each encounter. Sometimes the fear of being alone makes those people do stupid and selfish things, and they don't consider the consequences or give a thought to how their choices are going to affect the other until it's too late. It's that mentality of 'do first, then talk later' when it should be the other way around.
But I digress...I'll get off my soapbox now.
At the moment, I'm enjoying a cup of coffee sitting on my patio, looking out at the brush and trees, and the weather is cool for a change. Merlin is basking in between the blinds and the patio door as the sun is just peaking through the clouds. Cats are amazing, like my Merlin who seems to just go with the flow...this is the third place I've moved too since I got him and each time, he adjusts so easily.
Today, I'll probably nap often as I'm just getting back to some type of normalcy...the move left me exhausted, with bruises everywhere, so I think all that adrenalin is now coming to an end, even last night when I was out at a friend's BBQ, I didn't want to stay that long. My energy has not quite come back to it's full zest, but it will, and you can bet your sweet ass, I'll be ready to start this brand new life in my new digs.