Ah Albuquerque...2nd Time Around - Part 2

What a weekend. As my trip is now winding down, I can't help but feel sad that I have to leave. Yesterday was another fabulous day hanging out with Julie. She wanted to take me around some of the apartments and townhomes in her area and we popped by this awesome complex called Tierra Antigua - I liked it so much I actually picked up some literature on their one and two bedrooms. Needless to say I seem to have expensive taste when it comes to where I live. The rent on these apartments included a washer and dryer, actually in your unit, a one car garage, deck or patio, depending if you are on the first floor or above your garage and they do accept pets. They have a swimming pool and fitness center, and of course, beautifully landscaped, with a little stream running over rocks and pebbles, surrounded by green and a gorgeous view of the mountains. It was awesome. I also found out from their rental person, who was cute as pie that many of the larger companies rent here so they offer 3 to 5% discounts. You can also lock in a two year lease and if the market does not fluctuate, you can stay at that same rate for another year or two, depending on what lease you choose. Later on, we met up with Vince and had dinner at a place called the Range. It was great fun, but I was really tired, so we made it an early evening. I think I probably lasted about a half hour, once I got back to the hotel, and fell asleep fairly quickly.
It was a good thing I went to bed early Saturday evening, as I was awoken by a text from Dakota, Sunday about meeting for breakfast - this of course was 730am, which means 830am Chicago Time. Could have killed him but he is so damn handsome, when he smiles at you, his eyes just light up, and his hugs are warm and you can't help but feel safe. He is a sweetie. His wife Wendy is gorgeous, and sexy, they are a very cute couple. Dakota is trans which I knew the first time around when I met him, we had a lot in common as I had explained to him about my relationship to Angelo who was also F-to-M. We hit it off great right away. I was glad Wendy was able to join us for breakfast because the last time I was here, I didn't get the opportunity to talk with her all that much. She is truly adorable. I look forward to continuing to get to know them better as well.
Most of Sunday I just stayed in my room and winded down, relaxed, took a nap, played on FB of course and then got a text from LK that said, she and the pack were picking me up for dinner around 6pm. This was good as it gave me a little time to spend with Vincie, just one on one before I leave tomorrow. I got to thank Vincie as I was full of energy, talking fast, looking forward to seeing LK again, nervousness, you name it, I had it. He was laughing at me, but thought it was cute. I was a mess. Friday I spent a lot of time with LK so I couldn't understand where this nervousness, or maybe it was pure excitement that had gotten a hold of me. I know that if LK and I are to work out, being able to get along with her pack is also important. Drummer and Charm are a part of her leather family, so maybe the nervousness had stemmed from that. By the time they came to pick me up, I was exhausted, which was probably a good thing. I do tend to come on very strong, especially when I'm nervous or when I'm first meeting people. This was only the 2nd time I had met Drummer and the first time I was meeting Charm. Needless to say, dinner went great...They both are awesome, and everyone contributed to the various conversations going on. I absolutely loved being a part of them and spending that quality time. I can't wait to come back to NM again in October and see them again.
Well it's almost the bewitching hour where the clock hits midnight and Cinderella has to get back home to her ordinary life. Not that it's a bad one, but they call NM the Land of Enchantment for a reason. Being back here only confirmed that my destiny and future is here. How and when that will happen will depend on the right job to come along. It will still be hard to leave my family and friends in Chicago, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.