When One Chapter Ends another Begins...

I've spent most of my life in this kind of flux where constant change is occurring. It's not that I'm never satisfied I just think I am always a work in progress. Through most of my adult years I've had to struggle keeping my head up and feet on the ground accepting the bad with the good. Now at 50 I'm filled with another wave of change. It's quite scary sometimes when you make decisions that rock your very core. You've spent most your life waiting for that moment when it finally comes together but at the same time you are filled with uncertainty if this new existence is the right one now.
There have been many significant times in my life and I suppose it goes with the territory of being a warrior always on the battlefield conquering anything that stands in my way. After all we are just simple people trying to survive in a world that doesn't always have our best interests at heart. I've spent the last couple of months in a war between health and prosperity. I almost died in March when my hemoglobin dropped diminishing my red blood cell count which in turned caused breathing issues. Luckily, it turned out to be a bleeding ulcer and not a heart condition. I'm thankful the doctors repaired that. At the same time I changed jobs which I think I would have preferred to have happened later rather than now. And before I can even decompress from all of that, I moved to Elk Grove Village from Wheeling to be closer to the new job in Itasca. What still remains a mystery is why with all this joy and positiveness, I fear that it will be taken away from me. This unnerving feeling I know has always been with me so I'm unsure as to why it would be any different this time.
It's not just my professional life that's undergoing change, my personal life as well. Things that I have gravitated to in the past are now coming to an end. I've embraced newer activities and people but yet I still feel attached to my previous life. So much of that world made me who I am today. In some ways I feel like the leather world I was a part of was like a parent and now I'm the child, grown up and off on my own, leaving the nest I suppose. I think we are always growing and things that we needed in our 20s and 30s is never the same when you hit 40s and 50s. It's part of maturity, although scary. But am I ready for it? The leather world was like having a protected armour as I felt this overwhelming sense of belonging and safety I had been missing when I felt abandoned by my family when I came out to them. I suppose I have always wanted to be a part of something, too belong, a pack-mentality I've accepted within me. What is profound is that I've recently realized that I've been a part of multiple packs but never had one of my own. I suppose this need to branch out and find my own pack is now a necessity to maintain my continued survival.
I think the chaos has taking me out of my comfort zone and now that things are finally grounded I can get back to me. I spent sometime recently with a very dear friend who reminded me that if I'm not emotionally and physically healthy, I can't be there for others. She has always been my conscious watching, observing on the sidelines waiting to catch me if I should fall. I never realized how much she's meant to me through our many years together. She also reminded me how overwhelming these past few months have been and not everyone would have come through it the way I did. I told her I had decided it was time to seek a professional as I've been able to handle things thus far but now I sense this kind of stuck existence. Not sure of what will come next or what is missing that needs to be found. I suppose it is my higher self, finding the passion within myself again, or is it the lover who could not emotionally connect, or maybe it's the warrior who has been there for others so often that it's time for her to take a step back and heal whatever seems to be ailing, rather it's this anxiety of losing it all, or being afraid to embrace a new self or rediscovering a part of me I may have kept buried purposely until such a time it could be dealt with safely. Whatever it is, I owe it to myself to find out and unlock this new mystery invading my land.