Not Built for Comfort But for Speed

I met a girl last night at Touche. It was the Illinois Leather Pride & Fetish event weekend. I believe this was the third year that the event has been in existence. The turn out at the bar was awesome, packed with all sorts of gorgeous men and women of leather in the Chicago Scene.
I've seen her around over the past year or so as she is very good friends with a couple of people who are Associate Members of the Chicago Leather Club. But last night I finally had a chance to get to know her better. Well it seemed more like she was getting to know me better as we watched the contestants go through their speeches and show off their best outfits and of course some skin which is always a turn on for any body male or female.
With the crowd in full force, she stood behind me very close. I can feel her melodic breathing in my ear, slipping her hand underneath the left shoulder of my leather vest. It had been quite awhile that someone had made a move like that on me. I myself, reached back with my hand and placed it on her thigh and gave her a little squeeze and begain rubbing her thigh up a little higher and her breathing got a little heavier. But like I said, I've seen her around and this past December at the Chicago Leather Club's Annual General Meeting and potluck it was obvious that we definitely had some kind of chemistry. She had made it clear that even though she lives in Dallas she is out here in Chicago at least couple times a month.
Hm...she describes herself as a Femme Tom Boy. I like that 'cause it actually fits her. She is built a lot like me, a little taller than I, voluptuous, short hair, kind of a bounce in her step and stride when she walks. She is confident, younger than me and although our experiences coming up into our leather are different, her coming up through the ranks in the gay-male leather scene and mine through a hetereosexual group, she is just discovering that there are lesbians out there too and she has begun her campaign meeting and hanging out with women who identify as either bi, gay or trans.
I miss how easy it is meeting and connecting with someone in this lifestyle. There doesn't seem to be any pretense or game playing. She was so straight forward with her interests including her single status which right now in her life is very important. She isn't looking for a long-term relationship, she is poly and enjoys exploration sexually, mentally and physically with women and men. But she mentioned that its been tough finding a women who is also a switch, being both dominant or submissive, top or bottom, and enjoys a little rough housing as well as tenderness in play as well as in sexuality. Wow, I thought to myself, a girl after my own heart. Time will tell as we continue to get to know each other. I'll be in Dallas for SPLF in a few weeks and she has already told me she will be there and hopes we have some time together. Oh yea, it will happen.
I don't get the impression that she moves slow with her intent or her actions. I like that about her. We are very much a like in some ways thus far although it's clear that she is NOT builit for comfort, definitely for speed. She is a good-time girl, looking to build friends with benefits and ongoing play partners that fit her multiple personalities. I can understand why she stays single. She is a lot like I was when I first came into the leather lifestyle so I can definitely get her energy and her passion. She is still exploring herself and her role in this lifestyle.
I look forward to seeing her again in Dallas.
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