Living with Addiction - Day 6

As I promised, I would try to journal everyday.
Yesterday I had my session so I could let my therapist know what was going on with me. She was fantastic as always. She agreed that I have two separate things going on, one with the gambling addiction and the other I will call fear of vulnerability. This is very much tied to my body and how I look. I will address this in a separate blog as I want to keep those feelings and thoughts separate from the gambling. I will probably call that other article Safely in Vulnerability.
So, the good news is that my next sessions with my therapist will be easy to pay for. I don't know if I mentioned this early on, but I had to get a biopsy of my right breast. They had found a nodule and after the first mammo and then additional views, plus the ultra sound, they wanted to take a biopsy. Thankfully, the nodule was benign. The procedure probably couldn't have come at a better time because the insurance paid for this and now I've met my deductible, which allows my sessions with my therapist to be covered like 80%. So, from what we discussed, she said, that it will cost me out of pocket about $26.00. This is a long way from the $127 I had been paying. This gives me a good opportunity to see her more consistently as I press on through my addiction. Of course, I had to still pay lots of money for the biopsy procedures, radiology, etc., so my two credit cards are close to being maxed out. I know I can pay off those cards if I use the extra money from my mom's estate that I have put aside, but for now, I want to get a hold on this addiction before I do that. I told my therepist that it was strangely comforting because I honestly cannot afford to charge anything else, which is good and bad. For some reason, psychologically it is like a fail safe because I can't financially afford to play the game. I don't want what happened before to happen again whereby I pay it off then I charge again. Controlling the addiction needs to come first, but I will take any support I can even if it is illogical.
My therapist also brought to my attention that when I've played the game I probably felt 'seen' or 'special'. I said that made sense because I was assigned an account rep who is always checking in, reminding of new challenges coming, and I've even received gifts like for my birthday I got some shower beads, candles, some candy, and a little notebook. One time, I think it was Christmas they sent me a box of organic tea. So, what she sees is that part of my need to play to game could be tied to receiving positive attention, also might be meeting a loneliness I could be feeling as through these Covid years, I have isolated more. Yes, my therepist feels this need is also tied to boredom and idleness. I explaiined that when I first stopped the game, I was walking around my condo agitated, it was almost like anxiety, as if I didn't know what to do with myself and I even felt a bit nauseated and disoriented, like getting lost in a crowd at a concert. She said, she wasn't surprised. I told her I immediately started writing which seemed to calm me down. This is a good thing she acknowledged, because part of joy is this kind of leisurely feeling, especially if your normal work week can be stressed, etc.
It has been a good morning so far. I paid my bills as I got my check today, so filling up my time is always beneficial to limit downtime open to tempt me into playing the game. My session last night gave me some good starting points. She did encourage me to look at site to give me options if I want to work with a group or just read stuff. She said they have activities and suggestions to work on the problem individually as well as if you decide to attend meetings which are all over the states, plus you can do it through zoom. She also told me that I was on the right path to replace the game with some other activity that could bring on the euphoria I felt when I played the game. I was also reminded that when I was in the leather culture, I was very much in control of everything and the attention was positive and sensual and extremely intense. I am no longer in that world as I once was, so it is possible that playing the game was giving me what I got in that culture as a substitute.
She did caution, that replacing the game could prove difficult because I was getting such a high that finding another source may not provide the full capacity of joy I felt with the game. She didn't believe that reading a book would do anything, so she said that I should include activities that are well, active. Rather this be going for a quick walk outside for a while, minor exercise, yoga, or even listening to music, but to choose music that would motivate dancing, and to avoid medatative sounds as it probably would not give me that good vibration so to speak. She told me to keep journaling as that is always good since I enjoy writing so much. I did mention that I've gotten back to writing my second book, and this is also encouraging she said. All in all it was a great session. I'll write a little more about what we discussed with the whole feminity and vulnerability thing in my next post. Hm, The Vulnerability of Feminity, might be a good title.
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