Identity Shifts

Just spent a wonderful night yesterday with Big Paw and my bro puppy. Its been a long time since I had an opportunity to catch up with both of them and for some reason I always feel like I'm back on the right path again after deep discussions and revelations that always seem to occur when I'm around them.
It has been a wonderful 15 years in the leather community and I can't tell ya how much I've learned about myself. I've gone from being in Daddy/girl relationships where I was the girl to being the Daddy and I've explored my boy side where I have been boy to many a wonderful Mistress or Lady in addition to being a boy when I am around Big Paw who for all purposes has been that Daddy for me. Yet, the only relationship I have not explored is the Daddy/boy whereas I am the Daddy. I never gave it much thought that I would be attracted to gals that identify as boy. I've certainly met a few but none so far have I been attracted too in a romantic way.
This past summer, I began building a strong friendship with a cutie pie gal who I see as a boy. I'm pretty sure she sees that part in her as well but does not identify as a leather-woman where names like boy, Daddy, etc., can mean so many different things. The interesting part of it as we do not have an intimate/physical relationship to each other but being like a Daddy figure for her has given me so much gratification that I had not experienced before. So maybe she came into my life to let me know that I haven't looked in all the places I could for potential partners, and should not discount the Daddy/boy dynamic. And despite her not being the one for me she does bring about further changes and questions in my own identity on account of her.
It seems my whole existence has been transitions and identity shifts that I've come to understand as a part of my leather BDSM. It is impossible to come into this lifestyle without recognizing how much it would change someone. The power dynamics that happen and relationships that grow out of a pure willingness to challenge yourself, whether the way you were raised, how you view monogamy and polygamy, deep friendships versus play partners and of course the potential for numerous friends with benefits that can have a lasting impression on you. And even though there exists all these neat little boxes that one can fit it in, it does not guarantee you will stay there at any given time as you continue to mature and meet people who's personalities and interests are just as complex and layered as yours.
In addition, this past summer has given me so many other opportunities to meet different people who have some like-minded interests as I do which is a good way to branch out and expand your network of friends but I keep running into that same narrow-minded mentality that turned me off enough, drawing me into BDSM in the first place. I believe this is because there are so many more options in the leather world that keep people from getting bored but it can be overwhelming. Even with all the different types of situations you can choose to explore, finding the right one is not a given. Although what I have noticed at least within my own maturity that fear of loneliness doesn't seem to exist as much due to what is available to an individual that makes loneliness seem like an archaic state of being. At least that's been my experience. The environment does sort of force and teach you to be strong-willed and confident in your convictions and your ability to accept and be OK with yourself while you wait for that special someone. In the meantime, there is never a dull moment.
Last night's time with my Daddy has brought forth a re-examination of my commitment to the leather community on some level, however, the energy and passion is just not as significant as I experienced before. Recent social events and friends in the 'vanilla world' have me enjoying for the first time in a long time opportunities that were not happening for me in my leather relationships. For the most part those relationships were primarily predicated by physical stimulation and rare intimate moments that happen in a power exchange rather you provide service, give pain and pleasure or receive it. But one thing is certain I am wired differently and what I have re-learned is that it doesn't matter what the nature of my commitment is to the community, I just know it will always be a part of me. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next few months of 2014 in my life as I feel some further decisions will need to be made.
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