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Living with Addiction - Day 111


Did you think I forgotten you?

I've just been doing my thing. I went to Chicago Botanic Gardens last weekend, which was awesome and walked, forever, it seemed. I tracked my steps, so I'm thinking it was at least 2 miles if not more. That park is huge. It was a perfect, cool day.

So far, I haven't had any desire to play the Caesars's Game on FB.  They are still sending me emails etc., even though I unsuscribed from their list. I am confident my habitual and addictive behavior has been snuffed out. Some days though I still feel a little down, but I think that is just the part of me, that is bored and needs stimulous. Bowling season started which has helped a lot. I get that competitiveness going. 

I found another program in my Virgin Pulse APP, its called Wellbeats, they have lots of quick and longer excercises or you can do yoga, etc. You get points for these things too, which is great. You need to collect 15,000 points per quarter so you can continue to get the medical payments through payroll reduced.

I'm enjoying these meditative and other fancy things available that are for your health. One woman did a class on African Dance, damn that was fun, but some of the movements were very difficult especially when the music picked up.  All and all, it was pretty cool. The instructor was well, let's just say HOT! LOL. That of course, made it much more enjoyable.

I'm almost finished with the 2nd book. Of course this would be a first draft, because once my editor goes through it, I'm sure there will be revisions, etc. I'm hopeful that this time around with the editor, things will go smoother. She said, she has more time now. Part of the problem last time with the first book, she was absent, and half the time I couldn't reach her, so months would go by and I had no idea where she was at with the publishing, etc., so this time around, I'm only hiring her for editing not publishing. I pay her for editing services and she receives no royalties from sale of the book.  I definitely want to self-publish.

As far as the re-release of Book 1, Dorrance Publishing just sent me the interior page proofs for me to review. They are pricing the book at $18, which I think is too high, but considering the effort they are putting in to marketing and promotion, plus making this book available in stores, and ebooks like nook, kindle, plus their own sites, maybe folks will pay $18. We shall see.

I'm taking a little trip to Lake Geneva next weekend with a good friend, just gonna stay one night. I'm looking forward to the lake and the trails that surround it. The weather is expected to be maybe 50's. It will be awesome.

Anyway, that's all for now.


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