Living with Addiction - Day 79

I'm feeling well. I can't believe this gambling thing seems to have been kicked.
I have not had any desire to play. I have found other things that have stimulated me.
I'm thinking this might be my last entry on this subject matter, although maybe I'll post stuff here and there on this.
Today, I'm focusing on re-acclimating back into the office for work. Upper Management has asked that we come in at least two days a week now. My only fear is that my clothes will still fit. I do worry about my weight, I don't think that will ever go away. But the costs for Seattle Sutton, even for weekend only meals was getting difficult for me to manage financially. I am hoping I can return to it, once I pay off the hefty debt I incurred due to the gambling game. I have to wait till mid-October to take what little money I invested, back. It is kind of bitter sweet, because I lost money. It is not easy starting with so much and finding out you've made nothing. I realize I have not kept it in the IRA for a long time for it to maybe work for me, but that unknown... losing money was not something I felt comfortable with. Of course, I am not happy that I have to take what is left and apply it towards my debt, but at least I will get to debt free.
Oh, by the way, my fridge finally went out, well, at least the water filteration system failed. The fridge part is still working, but it was time. The fridge was 20 + years old, so it lasted much longer than I ever conceived. So, my new one is coming Friday. It was not too expensive, so I will have interest free payments for 12 months. This should be easy to pay off, especially since my other credit cards will have a zero balance. I'm still paying for Dorrance Publishing, and I know they really can't do much until they get the rest of service fee that was agreed upon, which I hate, but it is still cheaper than trying to self - publish. Although, I will not stay with them for my 2nd book.
I have two sessions at College of Dupage coming up on Kindle Direct Publishing, so I am hoping I can learn enough about Amazon's application for publishing my 2nd book. The two sessions are Sept 21 and Sept 28. It was only $69 to register for the class. Before I forget, I started bowling last Thursday, it was so much fun. I finally parted with my old bowling shoes. I had gotten a new pair last year, so that I would be more comfortable when I bowled and they are broken in now, so there was not a need to hang on to the old pair.
Seems like many things are moving into my next era, or stage of life, which makes sense, as in April of 2024, I will turn 60. Wow, time has flown for sure.