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Entries by Lisa Lacriola aka T.Langdon Squire (15)


The Choice

Discarded like an old shoe when they found out the truth,

their bouncing baby girl wasn't exactly who they knew.

Their dirty little secret, never to be revealed,

consumed by their fears, engulfed like flames,

caught up in a forest of embarrassment,

a reality they couldn’t contain.

Turned away like a leper I silently endured

with little money in my pockets, will there ever be a cure?

For their sorrows and sadness, my choice had become,

a promise to myself a soul come undone.

I wished I was an eagle so that I can fly

to a place where I belonged, away from

ignorant eyes.

With reckless abandon I accepted this fate,

and surrounded myself like a fortress protected from hate.

I searched for kindred spirits with stories like mine,

to guide me in this life, no longer isolated inside.

What I always knew I could never explain, or even share

in my happiness, only mine to obtain.

Their daughter was in search of another lady, as herself,

an announcement they would never proclaim.

And just like that old shoe with its tattered laces,

worn soles, thrown away like yesterday’s trash, I was

threatened like a thief, don't ever tell, and don't ever ask,

to be welcomed in this home as you once were,

remember this choice you make was not ours but yours.


Epistle To Dr. Ferguson

Reluctantly I must relay to you,

disappointing news regarding Sue.

Recently she was caught ditching class,

then fighting in the bathroom, in fact.

She breaks our curfew without thought,

lingers in dorm-rooms smoking pot.

She streaks through hallways in her underwear,

forgets her books in the shower without care.

Although her grades have been exemplary,

her social graces lack maturity.

I know I promised your wife Joan,

I would care for Sue, like my own.

Regrettably I must inform you,

we are expelling Sue,

effective immediately,

today at noon!



In Winter

Like a blanket of pure white snow

Keeping secrets not yet known

Hiding the truth deep below, but

Will reveal in time to show

As spring melts the icy shores

Uncovering stories never told

The sun rises over slippery slopes, while

New life begins like a diary unfolds


In the Moment


Time stood still the moment I saw you


My heart quickened, a passion so unreal


The desire growing, in that instant I knew


A lady with class, beauty, and sex appeal


The one I would surrender to


In her, a trust, my secrets to reveal


Innocently she asks, and so I’ll do


A word from her lips, my soul to steal



Exceptional Man


When morning comes, he is next to me

The night before was passion endlessly

Can one so unique give all and more

To me the lady, his love, his whore

The warmth of his body, the courage in his soul

Up close and personal, always in control

Never giving in to societal pressures

The masculine persona, physical treasures

Quiet and reserved, while slumbering in my arms

Cautiously I wake his sleeping giant with my charms

He looks on intensely, correcting me with a glance

But yet he concedes, and allows a free chance

His body temperature rises with every kiss of my lips

Never having to struggle, he controls my swaying hips

Together we ride erotically into the night

Resting now and then, ready for the next flight

I'm flushed with fever, as I continue to give more

His sexuality consumes me, demands never a chore

Your strength, and power, the incredible embrace

My exceptional man, you are the joy upon my face


                                                       For Angel-Angelo...