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Living with Addiction - Day 9

Morning -

So, I'm sitting outside on my patio enjoying the cool weather and bright sun. Today has been a magical day as I found a full moon ritual in one of my Wiccan books for July. The full moon was 639am today, which is very unusual I would think as it's morning instead of night, but according to my WICCA calendar and the almanac, that was the right time. I put together an attestation to ask the Goddess Luna (Roman, Goddess of Heaven and Full Moon) for her assistance. I wrote up a little piece of paper and after I set the protection circle welcomed the elementals for their help and I read my wishes for healing and to also banish the negativity from my gambling addiction. There was somethng so magical about the preparation for this and then seeing it through. I meditated a little more before the close of the ritual so that I could soak up the full moon's energy.

I very much have enjoyed my spirituality journey when I came to find Wicca as a good source for my core beliefs and ways of living. There is a simplicity in old pagan ideals that interestingly today, we still kind of celebrate rather it's Christmas or Easter, etc., which are basically converted pagan celebrations absorbed into Christian faith/tenet. Today I reminded myself of the past week in tackling my addiction. I felt strongly in the ritual and it brought a calmness I've been missing amidst all the chaos that was these past couple of months, well, more like weeks as the new year did start off fairly decent.

I have today and tomorrow off from my job for the holiday and hope to continue writing my 2nd book as my day progresses. Not sure how long the coolness will last, but I'll stay outside until it gets too muggy. Air quality when weather is like this is definitely not too healthy for you.

Until tomorrow, signing off.

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