Living with Addiction - Day 32
Today was a good day. I decided to utilize my company's health care program and spoke with a health coach. It went wonderful as she reminded me of how much I've accomplished through this as well as other challenges that I've had to face throughout my life.
She recommended that I continue to journal and mentioned that I should try meditation before going to bed to help calm my mind. I usually do that in the mornings before my day starts so she thinks finishing my day the same way would help me to sleep better as lately I've been getting up every two hours or so.
My new 1000 piece puzzles came from Amazon so now I'm just waiting to get the special board which helps the pieces stay in place when they fit together and also provides a dust cover that pulls tight to keep the pieces from scattering. I'm hoping this will deter Merlin from eating the pieces or knocking the whole thing over. The health coach I spoke with also mentioned that I should do some things that I enjoy for myself that make me happy so I'm looking at things I've done in the past that I loved, rather it was coloring with crayons, or pencils or just free-writing.
So far, I'm loving the blender I got as I continue to expand my kitchen abilities which are presently slim to none. I figured doing simple things like smoothies not only offers something healthy for me to eat but these are easy to make so one doesn't get frustrated. I'm also trying to stay positive about my body image with the extra little weight. Work was interesting today as I was given a compliment on the way I looked from a co-worker which made me smile as I've been feeling a little self-conscious.
All in all, a very good day indeed.
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